Readjusting to college again after being home for the break can trigger feelings ranging from excitement to unease and anxiety. Here are some common sources of anxiety experienced during this transition and some strategies to help you navigate this period with greater ease.

  1. Recognizing Common Sources of Anxiety:

It’s important to acknowledge that feeling anxious about returning to college is a common and normal experience. Common sources of anxiety during this transition include:

  • Academic Pressures: The prospect of upcoming exams, assignments, and academic expectations can be overwhelming.
  • Social Reintegration: Reconnecting with peers and adjusting to social dynamics can evoke feelings of self-consciousness and social anxiety.
  • Routine Disruption: The shift from a relaxed holiday routine to a structured academic schedule can be disorienting.


  1. Understanding Your Anxiety:

Before diving into strategies, take a moment to understand your specific sources of anxiety. This self-awareness will serve as a foundation for developing targeted coping mechanisms.

  • Reflect on your concerns and identify the thoughts contributing to your unease.
  • If your thoughts are unclear, try writing them out on a piece of paper. Don’t worry about spelling, grammar, or neatness. Just let it flow out onto the page.


  1. Developing Coping Strategies


If your thoughts include a lot of “what ifs” and you find yourself worrying excessively, you might discover mindfulness and grounding techniques helpful.


  • Mindfulness techniques can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindful meditation can help center your thoughts and alleviate anxiety. Try downloading one of these apps for guidance: headspace, calm, or insight timer.
  • Grounding techniques can help you get back to the present moment at any time. Try this popular one – Called 5,4,3,2,1.



If you obsess about your academic responsibilities and feel overwhelmed, you might find some time management and planning techniques helpful.

  • Time management – Break down your academic responsibilities into small, manageable tasks. Ask yourself, “What is the first and smallest step I need to take?” Starting is usually the hardest part.
  • Planning – Take the work from each syllabus and make a master schedule on a calendar. Build-in study sessions, breaks, self-care, and fun! Having a structured plan can reduce feelings of being overwhelmed.


  1. Social Support


  • Reach out to friends, roommates, or campus support services. Sharing your concerns and experiences with others can provide a sense of validation and support. Establishing connections can also alleviate feelings of isolation.
  • Consider starting a study group or ask a professor if they would consider asking if anyone would like to join a study group, and they can contact you.


  1. Utilizing Campus Resources

Colleges often have resources in place to support students’ mental health.

  • Consider utilizing counseling services, attending support groups, or participating in workshops on managing stress and anxiety. These resources are designed to provide you with the tools and support needed to navigate the challenges of college life.


  1. Self-Compassion and Acceptance

Practice self-compassion by acknowledging that feeling anxious during this transition is okay.

  • Allow yourself to adapt gradually and accept that the adjustment may take time. Cultivate a mindset of self-acceptance, understanding that the journey back to college is unique for each individual.


The anxiety of transitioning back to college after the holiday break is a valid and shared experience. By recognizing common sources of anxiety, understanding your unique triggers, and implementing coping strategies, you can navigate this period with greater resilience and self-awareness. Remember, seeking support from friends, utilizing campus resources, and practicing self-compassion are essential components of a healthy and successful transition. You’re not alone, and support is available to help you thrive during this phase of your academic journey.

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