Ah, summer vacation.  “School’s Out”, a 1972 Alice Cooper hit!  Summers off are great for family time, allowing one’s brain some much needed rest and relaxation. Maybe for some a regular tutoring schedule continues – to maintain, reinforce, or build skills anew. 


But summer can take its toll on student readiness for the upcoming school year. How much of the momentum built from the prior year then requires a rebuild once the doors reopen in September? 


How do homeschooling families determine when to take a break and when to stay on?  An interesting query, indeed.  


Either way, may the “summer break” also be a way to introduce new adventures, and thus, continued growth


Here we are, another school year about to commence.   What are the best ways to gear up, get ready, to rock ’n roll?  


The CT Experiential Learning Center (CELC) way is always to come with an open mind and ready attitude.  Bringing one’s best self forward.  Setting intentions for the year, in the form of Hopes and Dreams, can be a helpful exercise.


Start with free write – with the question: what do I want for myself?  Consider social/emotional, academic, and physical goals. Set a timer for five minutes.  Put pen (or pencil) to paper and answer questions as you write. Allow whatever comes to be placed on the page(s), without editing or self-judgment. 


You may be surprised by what you discover.  This download process is a very healthy one, to get out what is lurking inside, and then, once on paper, a clearer mindset arrives!


From there, pick three goals for each of the categories (social/emotional; academic; physical health).


Do you want to get to know new people?  Find a mentor in a particular subject area?  Have new seat mates at lunch or while on the bus?   Repeat the same exercise for each area: social/emotional, academic goals, and for physical health.


Action steps can then be set in motion – for each of your goals, how will you achieve them?  What specific actions will you take toward that goal? Write these on paper, perhaps in the form of a list. 


At CELC we had a few tried-and-true ways to visually bring Hopes and Dreams to life.  An all-time favorite, should you want to give it a go, is to imagine and draw an image of a river.  What do you draw for your boat/ship/vessel, and what are on the banks, edges, …  where is your river heading?  The beautiful thing is that the river, like you, is ever-changing.  


Learning is a process.  It is not about memorizing information, but rather it is about learning how to learn, by asking questions; it is the thing that generates new answers to new questions.  


Remain open to possibilities and as you begin your journey, with intention, be open to all that will come your way.  This may not appear exactly as you imagined, but if you keep your eyes wide, you will soon notice more than you had seen and known at the start! 


May you find your way outside your comfort zone, for there, dear student, is where life and learning really happens!  Here’s to a fine and intentional re-start to your studentdom! 


Melinda and Maria

Co-founders / Educators 

CT Experiential Learning Center 


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